We are very lucky to have a diverse cultural community. At Greenmount Primary we speak over 50 different languages! We always ensure we adopt sensitive teaching strategies when learning about different cultural and religious traditions. We promote positive attitudes through using a variety of different materials and learning resources that reflect the wide range of cultural backgrounds and ethnicities, without stereotyping.
At Greenmount Primary we ensure different cultures are celebrated in our classrooms and throughout school. Our pupils have a good understanding of the British Values and how to follow these when they are in a school environment, the community and beyond. We develop pupils’ advocacy skills so that they can detect bias, challenge discrimination, leading to justice and equality.
Each of our classes are named after a different British mountaineer that are reflective of modern Britain. These mountaineers provide our pupils with aspirational role models, reflect the cultural heritage of our pupils’ and support our school’s values and Growth Mindset approach.
We celebrate a variety of cultural celebrations and have themed days to ensure that we are inclusive to everyone, for example, Odd Socks Day for Anti-bullying, World Afro Day. We welcome lots of different visitors from a variety of backgrounds, religions and cultures. This provides children with opportunities to appreciate their own cultures and religions and celebrate the diversity of others.
Greenmount has many local and world wide links. The children have opportunities to work with others from different countries, counties and ages. For example, our links with a Primary School in Kenya, the local Care Home for the elderly, Linking Schools Network and the Culture on the Doorstep project.
Our Equality Objectives and more information on how we support our pupils and community can be found below.

We are so lucky that our community at Greenmount speak over 50 different languages

School in context.
Greenmount is made up of a balance of boys and girls, though this varies from cohort to cohort. We are a two form entry inner city primary school. 95% of children are from minority ethnic backgrounds. 34% of children qualify for pupil premium. 83% of children have English as an additional language. We are lucky enough to have over 50 languages spoken throughout school, and often get new arrival children throughout the year. We have various strategies in place to ensure that we are inclusive to everybody and every language and culture. 17% of children have SEND. The school is accessible for all.