We believe that for children to be successful mathematicians they need to develop strong number sense, be fluent in the recall of number facts, solve problems and have a positive growth mindset. We have a strong focus on promoting children’s depth of understanding and want all children to be successful mathematicians.
– Teaching for mastery 5 lessons weekly
– White Rose Maths
– Resources and manipulatives available for all in every lesson
– Mastering number for Reception, year 1, 2, 4 and 5
– Weekly arithmetic
– Times Table Rock Stars and Numbots
– On-going CPD with regional Maths Hub
– Weekly maths homework for year 1-6
– On-going assessment and summative assessment termly.
Children at Greenmount have a positive attitude and growth mind set towards mathematics and own mathematical ability. They are confident mathematicians who enjoy maths and understand the role of maths in daily life. They can confidently talk about maths using mathematical vocabulary and explain how and why they arrive at a particular answer. Children broadly work at the same pace, allowing more pupils to achieve age-related expectations. More able mathematicians are appropriately challenged to deepen their understanding of the content taught. Children make good progress from their starting points despite the many barriers they face. Greenmountaineers are all mathematicians!
See the full policy for more information.
Times Tables
Times tables and derived facts are at the heart of mental arithmetic, thus mathematics. At Greenmount, we value the importance of recalling times tables up to 12 If a child is secure with times table knowledge they are able to work more confidently and efficiently with advanced calculations.
Counting in multiples of 2,5 and 10 are first introduced in KS1. In years 3 and 4, times tables are taught and learnt in additional maths lessons. The order builds on making links to previous tables, for example, the 4 times table is double the 2 times table. Below is the table that show the order times tables are taught.
We use Times Table Rock Stars (TTRS) to practise, embed and build fluency in recalling of all the times tables. Pupils play at school and are heavily encouraged to play at home. Pupils achievement, progress and efforts are rewarded half-termly with certificates and our Hall of Fame celebrates pupils who can instantly recall times tables with an average speed of less than a second per question!

In year 4, all pupils take part in the Multiplication Check which is a statutory assessment. The purpose of the check is to determine whether pupils can fluently recall their times tables up to 12. It is an on-screen check consisting of 25 times table questions. Pupils will then have 6 seconds to answer each question. On average, the check should take no longer than 5 minutes to complete.
The table below shows how Greenmount have performed compared to pupils nationally, since the tests became statutory.