
At Greenmount we aim to ensure that every child can read with fluency, understanding, precision and expression until they take pride in themselves as readers. All children will read to broaden their experience of the world and other people, to learn, for enjoyment and to challenge themselves.

To enable a high- quality reading culture we aim to:

Teach with fidelity to a phonics programme to ensure that every child learns to read well.

Make a strong start in reception and be given effective support until every child can read well.

Respond imaginatively to stories as an early reader.

Enjoy and respond to a wide range of literature as a fluent reader.

Increase and extend vocabulary from word rich discussions and texts.

Read with fluency, clarity and expression.


Children will see themselves as readers and will love books! They will have the necessary skills to tackle the curriculum in further education and beyond. They will read with precision and clarity and will have acquired a broader understanding of the world through what they have read. They will have a wider vocabulary and the passion to seek further word understanding and learning through books.

We will implement this through:

High quality teaching of phonics, ensuring we have a well- trained team of expert phonics teachers.

Robust phonics assessment procedures to highlight children in need of support. Effective 1:1 and catch- up programmes for phonics.

A carefully planned, whole school Book Spine which links to British values, our curriculum teaching themes and is representative of our wonderfully diverse school. The Book Spine features award winning titles from across a range of bold new authors and classics and has been created to ensure a broad, rich, reading journey.

A clear, progressive system for the teaching of comprehension skills and reading aloud practise.

Creating a culture of word gathering in lessons and discussion- based practise in reading lessons and environments.

Reading PolicyPhonics PolicyYear 2 Reading ListYear 3 Reading ListReading List - Upper Key Stage 2Protected Characteristics and PSHE on our Reading Spine

Need help choosing up to date authors for your child? Click here and here.