Welcome to
Hello, We are 2 Patel and we are 30 inquisitive children. Our teachers are Mrs Springthorpe and Mrs Devlin and our teaching assistant is Miss Mitchell. Our class is named after the inspirational mountaineer Amira Patel from who has been motivated to make the outdoors a space for everyone to enjoy. We are practising our skills of resilience, self-belief and independence in all areas of the curriculum to be the best learners we can be! We are looking forward to an exciting year of learning about the Great Fire of London and how Florence Nightingale changed medicine for everyone

Welcome to
Year 2 Barrett
2 Barrett are named after Deon Barrett, a British mountaineer. Deon aims to be the first Englishman of colour to summit Mount Everest. We are going to keep in touch with Deon as he trains and give him our support all the way! We also want to CLIMB and find the motivation and belief to face new challenges this year. Our Teacher is Mrs McGuire and Mrs Abedin and Mrs Ditta help us build our confidence and independence.
We are looking forward to an exciting year of learning. We will be Geographers studying the local area, the seaside and climates around the world. In History we are travelling further back in time to learn about the Great Fire of London and investigating how Florence Nightingale changed the way modern hospitals are run. We will also write exciting stories, pass on the information and facts we learn and read lots of wonderful stories by incredible authors! In Science we will observe the world around us and set up investigations to test our ideas and theories. In maths we begin to learn our times tables and build our confidence with numbers within 100. What an exciting year ahead! Please check our X (twitter) page for updates on our incredible work!